If life were easy, it wouldn’t be hard!

This is from my cousin Adam who is on a mission in the Czech Republic. He’s in Prague right now.

“I was talking with Elder Tomlinson the other day about what an interesting experience it is to do missionary work. We talk with hundreds of people every week and of course there is bound to be some hilarity therein. I see it like eating scorpions, of course it’s not something you typically think of doing, but the experience is unforgettable. It’s also one of those things where if your life was easy and you didn’t have anything difficult, awkward, or crazy happen to you, you wouldn’t have any fun stories to tell. That’s where the best stories come from anyway is from the adventures in uncertainty.”

I’m all about building character, and I talk about it all the time. Trials are what build character– without them, we would never be able to grow! That’s one thing I’ve learned here in Hawaii. I’m with people from all over the world who have been through all sorts of things to get here. Some are the only members in their family, many are here on scholarship from the church and are paying the money off by working here. In a devotional a while ago, the speaker told us that we should marry someone who’s done something hard. I think that is so important! What Adam says is right– if we don’t step out and take chances, life won’t be interesting.

So I say, if you never have the courage to lose sight of the shore, you won’t ever know the terror of being forever lost at sea.

(just kidding)

Quote of the Week:

By that I mean Quote of My Life.

“I believe that happiness is not a condition to be described in the past tense– the way you felt as a child, or how things were last summer or last week or even yesterday. Nor can happiness truly be spoken of in the future tense– the way you’ll feel when spring comes, or when you’re finally on vacation, or when your status changes for the better. Happiness is a present tense condition and can only fully exist if today is your best day so far. Just as surely as it is possible for you to be happy, so it is possible for each and every day to be your best day so far.”

By my hero, George Durrant. Who by the way left a message on my dad’s phone for me on the day of my surgery.

Another Favorite Scripture!

This is my good friend Eric’s missionary scripture, and now it’s one of my very favorites.

Now, have we not reason to rejoice? Yea, I say unto you, there never were men that had so great reason to rejoice as we, since the world began; yea, and my joy is carried away, even unto boasting of my God; for he has all power, all wisdom, and all understanding; he comprehendeth all things

Hello Finals!

I wrote this* for finals week, and I just never got around to posting it. So now that’s it’s all over, I post it in memory of the stressful week that I won’t have to deal with for several more weeks. It reminds me that it’s good to be back in the islands where stress doesn’t really happen until this special week.

Hello finals, I am a student
In the hills and islands
I fall asleep with books in my lap
And awake in the very same position

Hello finals, I am a student
Very near the blue waves
I’d like to crawl the sandy bottom of Temple Beach
And construct a sand castle

Hello finals, you are the blazing sun
Shining down and burning my face
I will disguise myself as an eagle
And ascend way above you

Hello finals, I am a cold student
Feeling freezing in your sand
I sing about the tide and the ocean surf
Wishing that’s where I was

Hello finals, I am a wet student
In the flooded hale courtyard
Studying my head off for hours on end
With a welcome break your in your rain and open wind

Hello finals, you are an old lighthouse
Throwing beams of bright lights
Red in the morning, blue in the evening sun
Turns out they are hallucinations

Hello finals, I am a student
In the hills and islands
I can’t fall asleep!

Take me home to Provo
Carry me through each final
Hold me secure in flight
Help me get through all this

Take me home to Provo
Carry me through each final
Hold me secure in flight
Help me get through all this

And you know? I did! I conquered those dang finals and left them in the dust to shrivel up and die. And I came back for more.

*special thanks to Owl City for his guidance this creation.

I was born to run!

Have you read the book Born to Run? If you haven’t, I highly recommend it. It inspired me on several levels in the running department. One big aspiration I gained from it was to be a barefoot runner. And now, thanks to my parents and one of the most awesome Christmas presents I’ve ever received, I’m starting! No more shoes for me!

Happy Birthday Joseph Smith!

“Joseph Smith, the Prophet and Seer of the Lord, has done more, save Jesus only , for the salvation of men in this world, than any other man that ever lived in it.” D&C 135:3

Unbeknownst to some, the celebration of Joseph Smith’s birthday is a very important part of the Christmas festivities. At least it is at my house. So as long as we’re celebrating Christ’s birth, and thinking about His life and all He did for us, I think it’s fitting that we can also celebrate the prophet Joseph’s birth, and think about his life and all he did for us. I am so grateful to both of them!

But in special honor of Joseph Smith, I’d like to say a few words.

First of all, what a man! (Insert any other word of choice there that might be fitting.) I mean, he restored the gospel! And he was spiritually aware enough at the age of 14 (WOW!) to pray to God with enough faith to see Him in person. I really love verse 20 in Joseph Smith History. He says, “It seems as though the adversary was aware, at a very early period of my life, that I was destined to prove a disturber and an annoyer of his kingdom.” Yeah he was! It makes me hope that I can be a disturber and annoyer as well.

On a side note, let me also say that Joseph was super athletic. Like, he was a champion wrestler and stick-puller. He was also super sweet to his mom and sisters and wife, and I gather that he really cared about everyone. A lot. I can’t imagine a man of greater faith! Oh, and he was a martyr for the kingdom. And something makes me think that he was musical. And he endured serious health problems– without any painkillers or anything. And I bet he had a great sense of humor. So yeah.

Now back to business. Joseph says, “For I had seen a vision; I knew it, and I knew that God knew it, and I could not deny it.” I do too. I know for myself that Heavenly Father and Jesus did appear to that 14 year old boy, and the message they gave to him is the true and living gospel.

There is no doubt in my mind that the Book of Mormon that he translated is true. I have read it many times, prayed about it, and felt the Spirit manifest to me of its truthfulness. Christ did appear to the Nephites, and he did appear to Joseph Smith. His teachings when He was on the earth are the same ones we have now, and He continues to speak to us through President Monson, just as He spoke to Joseph Smith after the reorganization of the Church. I know the restored priesthood is God’s power on earth. My testimony of this was strengthened enormously during my recovery this summer. Heavenly Father called Joseph by name when He first appeared to him, and He knows and loves each of us!

Because of my testimony of the First Vision and the restored gospel, I can’t wait to be called to share this message to as many people as I can. I know there are those yearning for the peace and joy this perfect gospel brings, and I can only imagine the wonderful blessing it will be for me to bring that happiness that I have. I know the gospel is true! And in 2 years and 1 month, I will set out to share it wherever I am called. In the meantime, I’m going to try to be an example of the believers and share my testimony as often and in as many ways as I can.

I know Joseph Smith was a prophet, and I am so grateful to him and all he did for me and the rest of the world.

I have to tell someone!

I just made one of the most responsible decisions of my life. (IRONY ALERT!! IRONY ALERT!!!) Anyway…

Okay. It’s Finals week. I have 2 finals tomorrow. So much work to do! Bre and Mari and Nicole want to go see Tangled tonight. I’ve been wanting to see that since it came out! But I have to study! But it’s Nicole’s last night! Well, I also need to take my laundry out in 20 minutes, so it would just sit if I left. But Tangled isn’t that long. It costs money. But I have a job. And it’s only $6. But I can see it when I go home. But I want to see it now with Nicole and Bre and Mari! But I’ll be spending all night with them. Oh yeah, and it’s also Denzil’s senior recital tonight. But I so don’t have time for that! I’ve been planning on going to it all semester. But I have 2 finals tomorrow! Well, they aren’t until the afternoon.

But I also have to pack (I only have one thing left. haha) and pick up a few Christmas presents from the PCC and turn in my elementary time sheet that was already due and give chocolates to the girls I visit teach and tell my supervisor that I was accidentally clocked in for an extra 2 hours and eat and say goodbye to the people that I won’t ever see again and make some cards for some of my teachers and write a composition and take those finals and conference with Brother Marler and go to the beach (I wish) and go on facebook (heh heh) and watch Pushing Daisies (ummm) and clean my room and breathe. AHHHHHH!

Guess what I decided? You are right! I chose to stay in Bre’s and Mari’s room all by myself and work diligently (pausing only occasionally for very brief moments to record news-breaking events) while they partied and saw a movie I’ve been wanting to see for a very long time. I’m not spending a few hours of Nicole’s last night with her. But I darn well better do well on those finals! And hopefully I’ll get everything else done tomorrow too. And then it’s all over!

It’s because you don’t have a Mac!

Malfunctions, viruses, crashes, low internet, complicated programs… Sound familiar? It’s because you don’t have a Mac! I find myself saying that to many of my friends, on a fairly regular basis actually. Certain individuals profess to hate macs, strangely enough never being able to pull a single shred of evidence to back up her statement. But we all recognize and understand the superiority of this company and its products, specifically the computer, as it pertains to college students.

Please enjoy and be inspired by this little song.
(I may or may not have the entire song memorized.)