If life were easy, it wouldn’t be hard!

This is from my cousin Adam who is on a mission in the Czech Republic. He’s in Prague right now.

“I was talking with Elder Tomlinson the other day about what an interesting experience it is to do missionary work. We talk with hundreds of people every week and of course there is bound to be some hilarity therein. I see it like eating scorpions, of course it’s not something you typically think of doing, but the experience is unforgettable. It’s also one of those things where if your life was easy and you didn’t have anything difficult, awkward, or crazy happen to you, you wouldn’t have any fun stories to tell. That’s where the best stories come from anyway is from the adventures in uncertainty.”

I’m all about building character, and I talk about it all the time. Trials are what build character– without them, we would never be able to grow! That’s one thing I’ve learned here in Hawaii. I’m with people from all over the world who have been through all sorts of things to get here. Some are the only members in their family, many are here on scholarship from the church and are paying the money off by working here. In a devotional a while ago, the speaker told us that we should marry someone who’s done something hard. I think that is so important! What Adam says is right– if we don’t step out and take chances, life won’t be interesting.

So I say, if you never have the courage to lose sight of the shore, you won’t ever know the terror of being forever lost at sea.

(just kidding)

3 thoughts on “If life were easy, it wouldn’t be hard!”

  1. Excellent thought!
    I have two questions though . . .
    1) does pretty much litch eating scorpions on the island of Brazil count as something hard that should precede marriage?
    2) Lug, did Dallin H. Oaks say that?

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