On Philosophy…

This term, I’m taking a Western Cultures and Humanities class, and then second half of the D&C. Both are great classes with incredible teachers. The coolest thing is how well they fit together. I just finished reading Plato’s Republic and the Apology of Socrates and a bunch of other philosophy (so interesting!), and I’m amazed at how well the D&C answers so many of the questions these philosophers– Plato, Aristotle, Socrates, and pretty much the entire human race since the Fall– have been asking.

Get this– There was this boy named Joseph Smith. He was a poor farm boy, and he wasn’t really able to go to school. But despite his lack of schooling, he was a very thoughtful boy, and became interested in the great wonders of the cosmos, including the meaning of life and the purpose and nature of our existence. So, being the thoughtful boy that he was, he decided to take his answers to God. And guess what? He came back with absolutely no one else, as educated as they were, ever had. He had the answers! Directly from the Father. Oh, and did I mention he was 14 at the time?

And then it goes further. As he grew older, his wisdom increased, and he began asking more and more questions. (Enough to fill an entire book. We like to call it the Doctrine and Covenants.) For example, D&C 131:7-8 answers literally all the questions of the nature of God and our existence. Or see D&C 101:37 for enlightenment on On the Soul by Aristotle.

Not only does this help us make more sense of life, it really strengthens my testimony of the prophet Joseph. I absolutely know (through the Spirit, not just scientific evidences) that Heavenly Father and Jesus appeared to him and restored the true and living gospel on the earth today.

And I’m gonna be able to share that in 16 short months!

4 thoughts on “On Philosophy…”

  1. I’m glad you’re enjoying learning so much and that it all fits together! We’ll have to discuss many things along these lines.

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