There’s something to be said for spending 6 weeks (make that 10 months) in Paradise. There’s also something to be said for going to a great school, taking fantastic classes, and learning a lot. But I don’t think enough can be said for going to school in Paradise, taking great classes, and having 7 best friends to spend nearly every waking hour of every day with. (You’d be surprised how many waking hours there can be out of 24.) I just had the happiest 6 weeks of my life so far because I had my Ohana in Hawaii.
“Yeah, but…” -Addison
SUNDAYS were always fabulous. We all had church at different times, so we wouldn’t meet up until lunch. But once we did, the fun never stopped until we got kicked out of the lounge. Our Sunday activities included… eating (always for a very long time), going to the Visitors Center to watch the Joseph Smith movie or Mormon Messages, going to the temple grounds, watching Conference Talks or MoTab performances, watching church movies, playing games, just talking. We spent so much time just talking! We rarely planned anything or went anywhere exciting, but we always had a blast just sitting in the Hale 5 lounge together.

“Definitely!” -Ben
Our JAM SESSIONS were awesome. First of all, Addison is a very famous LDS musician and he can ear play pretty much anything, not to mention make a beautiful arrangement out of any hymn. Then Lauryn is Miss Musician I-don’t-know-how-you-got-so-ridiculously-talented! She plays the flute, the piano, the cello, and sings like an angel. Tessie also plays the flute, and was in fact in the Davis marching band, of which I happen to know if a very good band, meaning that Tessie is very good. She also went on some European music tour, which further confirms her excellent musicianship. Ben has a ton of sheet music downloaded on his ipad, providing us with lots and lots of options, and many hours of singing and playing. He also has a harmonica which he likes to pull out on occasion. And I also play the piano. We had so much fun making music together!
“Interesting” -Ben

We had several ESCAPADES INTO TOWN this term. One really fun trip we went to Cheesecake Factory. Mmmmm! That same trip, we went to Payless and somehow got Addison to try some high heels on. Beautiful. We also did this fantastic cancer fundraiser called RELAY FOR LIFE. We were scheduled for like 2 in the morning, so that automatically means fun and crazy. I must say that we were totally the life of the party. They asked us to do kick boxing for one thing. Pretty much, that was just a super fun night/ morning. Sleep just didn’t ever happen. Oh, and MEALS were some of our finest hours. And I really do mean hours. This is just another example of how we could just sit and talk and love every minute of it. We also had fun playing in the GAME ROOM where Tessie works. But I’m still one of the world’s worst bowlers. 😉
“This is what I’m most excited for in marriage…” -Ben

“I always assume everyone shares my opinion, because my opinion is usually right.” -Madison

“I like your face. It looks good on your head.”
And one of our funnest times ever (in my opinion) was our LATE NIGHT RUN. Sooo many memories there! This included a good run down on the beach and then back up to the temple, running around a certain car parked outside the temple, playing leap frog and having an ab workout on the field next to the temple, getting soaked to the skin by a sudden rain storm, catching frogs, and just having a great time. We also did a beach/ park clean-up SERVICE PROJECT together. And played at WAIMEA. And went to all the FIRESIDES and DEVOTIONALS.

“I ACT old!”
I love my Ohana in Hawaii! I’m never going to forget this amazing Spring Term. Chris and Azriel are leaving for DC and Long Beach for 2 years, and Addison will probably be getting married soon ;), and I’m going on my mission in a year and a half, and Tessie is going to Provo, but none of that makes this term any less magical.