When A+B= a different C than you expected

I learned an important lesson on my mission: exact obedience brings blessings. This mantra is echoed throughout every book of Scripture, and is an integral component of God’s plan. If we are obedient to the commandments, we will be blessed. On my mission, as my companions and I were exactly obedient, we were blessed. In our case, that meant baptisms. In other words, when we were obedient, we had lots of baptisms. It was almost like magic.

After the mission, I continued to be exactly obedient. I followed the command of my stake president to attend the temple every day for 30 days. I followed the counsel of my mission president to continue to study the Book of Mormon every day and to worship all day on the Sabbath. I tried to have 10 meaningful Gospel conversations every day. I did my Visiting Teaching every month. I looked for service and missionary opportunities. I studied my mission language. I did family history. I did my very best to be as righteous and obedient as I could possibly be, and yet I graduated from college without getting married.

Let me be clear: I know I was blessed immensely throughout college and every day after. I even kept a gratitude journal and recorded the hand of the Lord in my life every day. I’m not suggesting that the Lord left me high and dry, nor am I saying that I was being obedient for the single purpose of getting blessed. I’m saying that I kind of thought if I did the right stuff, I’d be married by now.

So I’m still single. (Side note: It’s cool. I am quite content.) I sang “I Hope They Call Me On a Mission” and “I Love to See the Temple” all growing up. They called me on a mission, and that was awesome. I went to the temple, which was also awesome. But there are no Primary songs about being a single adult. I never had a Young Women lesson about preparing for the life I’m living now; it was all about strengthening home and family. I know I can strengthen home and family by being a positive role model for my students, but it’s just not what I envisioned.

So my life isn’t what I expected. Lol life is rarely what we expect. That’s life.

When A+B= a different C than we planned, then it’s time to walk by faith, knowing that Father definitely has a better plan. If I’d gotten married right after the mission, I would’ve missed out on a lot of important lessons and experiences. So it’s all good.

I know this to be true from personal experience:

4 thoughts on “When A+B= a different C than you expected”

  1. This blog brings up so many interesting discussion points: I’m concerned that you feel like you never had a YW lesson on preparing for the life you are leading now. When is a good time to introduce the narrative of being a single woman in the church? Is there a need to more directly emphasize to the youth that the atonement allows us to return to Heavenly Father despite the inevitable imperfections in our family narratives? What alternative is there to teaching the strengthening of homes and families? I have 3 lbs. of lamb in my freezer (a gift from my friend Minette) that could be converted into Indian food. Think about a time. I also have an interesting question about hymns/primary songs based on a thought that your dad posed to me the other day. I love you.

    1. Saug!!! I’m coming down to Provo tomorrow. Does tomorrow night work for you? Monday is also good for me.

  2. Perhaps being married could be a hindrance right now, as it is not always the ultimate blessing. I think it really depends on situational factors. But it’s interesting to hear what you’re thinking about.

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