My Special Ed class is one of the best classes I’ve ever taken, and I’m really starting to think about that. I’m going to write more about that later, but for now, I’m amazed at what kids have to go through. This is a really fantastic video, and I’m putting it one the Exceptional Children website I’m building.
Wiki Videos
Speech and Language Disorders
ID (Down Syndrome)
Then Sings My Soul
Music has always been a language of the Spirit for me. When I think of the times I’ve felt the Spirit the most, music is almost always involved.
The hymns speak to me as few other things can. One of the greatest experiences of my life so far was singing in the General Young Women broadcast. The songs we sang– I Stand All Amazed, I Am a Child of God, If the Savior Stood Beside Me, (THIS IS US!!!!!!!) and As Zion’s Youth in Latter Days (US AGAIN! I’m in this!), remain some of the most inspiring, spiritually uplifting, powerful parts of the building and strengthening of my testimony. The words to those and other hymns and Primary songs have come to my mind many times when I have needed them, and have touched, guided, comforted, and inspired me in ways nothing else could.
Music also really brings people together. Some of my happiest memories are when I’ve been making music. MOAG (sooo many memories there), playing duets with Lucy, singing with Kristen, A Capella, Madrigals, other school choirs, singing with the Young Women, (remember that time at camp when we sang for like 3 hours? Or Singing Trees? Or singing at our Young Womanhood recognition? haha) jazz band, playing with Joe, jamming with Sophie, playing with Lauren… Actually, happy or not, music is involved in many of my most memorable experiences. Solo and ensemble, certain track workouts, hours and hours and hours of practicing and lessons and master classes… And now some of my best college memories so far involve music! Each of my music teachers has been immensely influential in my life, and I’m amazed at how many lives we can touch through this universal language.
I think we all have music in ours hearts, which is why it speaks to everyone. That’s why there is so much out there, and that’s why we can feel it in so many ways. The soundtrack of each of our lives, which we are all composing together, showcases every genre, adding relatability to a new audience with each new scene. It is sometimes a full orchestra, sometimes a small a cappella group, sometimes a duet, and sometimes featuring a soloist. But it’s always under the direction of the great virtuoso master Conductor. Sometimes it gets out of tune, and the rhythms can sometimes get muddy, but our Conductor never misses a beat, and we can always catch Him if we listen. It’s during those times that He’s trying to make eye contact with us and help us find the right measure. It’s hard not to rush through some passages, and sometimes it feels like the song is dragging so much it’s never going to end! But the exciting thing is, with every new experience we have, a new flavor is added to the score and the music becomes richer. I’m excited to hear mine played back to me someday, and see what riffs I borrowed, and see if any of my themes were shared. All I know is that the times I’m following the Conductor the closest will be the best parts.
Wow. That metaphor sort of just took off. 🙂 This is a list of some of the most beautiful songs in the world. I decided on this genre for now because that’s what fits my mood. Tomorrow morning I’ll probably be feeling a more “get up and go conquer Monday morning!”, which involves Chariots of Fire. I hope my soundtrack has something like that in it. There are way way WAAAAY more beautiful songs out there, and they’re beautiful in so many other ways. But these are 10 that I especially love, in no particular order, and with no particularly fine youtube videos. Just good songs.
1. Into the West
2. In Dreams (Lord of the Rings)
3. Gabriel’s Oboe
4. Rhapsody on a Theme of Paganini, 18th variation
5. All of the Rigoletto soundtrack
6. Theme from Rachmaninov’s 2nd concerto
7. Nessun Dorma
8. Pie Jesu
9. Remember When it Rained, Josh Groban
10. The Night it Had to End
As You Wish
Well, we’ve reached the last day of February. This has been very fun for me, and I hope some enjoyment has been found through these love sequences I’ve gathered from the realms of youtube. (Which, by the way, is obnoxiously starting to crack down on copyright laws. Of all things!)
I’ve saved this for the end, because I absolutely adore Buttercup and Westley and I think this is one of the most romantic moments of all film history. The first portion of the clip is just amazing of course, and then the second half shows perfect devoiton. (haha I know that sounds cheesy) Pretty much I just love The Princess Bride.
As You Wish (Longer)
Joseph and Emma
I think the love story of Joseph and Emma is beautiful. Joseph is the father of our dispensation, the founder of our church, the translator of the Book of Mormon, and the most well-known and influential man in our church’s history (obviously). But he and Emma have a normal and wonderful story, and I think it exemplifies a relationship of true love and total devotion, first to the Lord, and then to each other. Both Emma and Joseph were amazingly strong, and totally and completely dedicated to the Lord.
Your Song
This may or may not be the cutest song ever written. Or at least in the top 10. And then put with Disney… gotta love it.
"I don’t want sunbursts or marble halls, I just want you."
Some words of wisdom
This is sure a complicated world for how simple it is… And complicated people for how simple we are.
Doubt is destructive. It is learned in this life as a defense. I use doubt alot. it helps us to be cautious and careful. But it is exhausting. We cannot doubt all the time, everything. Nothing would ever get done. in order to progress we have to trust.