October Book: Wonder, by R.J. Palacio


Ohhhhhhh my goodness. THIS BOOK IS PHENOMENAL!!!! Before you read any further, know that your life isn’t complete without Wonder feeding into your collection of literarily-derived empathy and compassion. Do yourself and all your future acquaintances a favor and READ WONDER. Go now. Don’t even read my synopsis.

But if you must know, I’ll tell you a little bit about it.

“I won’t describe what I look like. Whatever you’re thinking, it’s probably worse.”

Wonder is the story of August Pullman, a 10 year old boy born with severe facial deformities. It chronicles his experience going to public school for the first time, and features the perspectives of Auggie himself, his sister, her boyfriend, her best friend, his best friend, and even the bully. Join Auggie and his schoolmates as they discover the meaning of friendship, loyalty, acceptance, and forgiveness.

I’ll admit it brought tears on multiple occasions. Sometimes sad tears, sometimes tears of pure joy. It’s that kind of book.

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