One Step Closer

Yes, this is indeed a screen shot of the successful submission of my mission papers. The completion came at no small sacrifice, involving a trip to the Mainland, an obtainment of a drivers license, a passport renewal and frantic search for lost passport, several doctors appointments, a dentist appointment, about 3 hours of phone calls in an attempt to get letters from my surgeon and doctor, Bishop and Stake President interviews, and other unforeseen obstacles involving fleeting moments of second-guessing. Satan has been hard at work.

What a relief to be done with that process! The ball is now officially in the Missionary Board’s court, and I can hardly wait. Updates to come.

One thought on “One Step Closer”

  1. SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!! Can NOT wait to hear where you’re going. You are such a great example and a trooper. Love love LOOOOOVE!

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