These past few months have been some of the most productive ones, as milestones go, of my life. I got my driver’s license, started my mission papers, and celebrated 2 seizure-free years since my surgery. NBD.
Actually no, it is a huge deal. But the big deal right now, besides the continuing anticipation of completing my papers, is that I took the Praxis exam yesterday (the test to get into the School of Education, and to become a teacher), and I passed!!! I thought I failed, because I always think I’ve failed, so when I saw my scores, I literally collapsed of relief.
So yeah. I just thought I’d announce that I’m one step closer to becoming a teacher, which has been my dream all my life. I must say that I am tempted several times each semester to drop my education major and just graduate with a Fine Arts degree, but I know this is what I’m supposed to do.
So here I go. I’m off to great places, today is my day, my mountain is waiting, so I’ll get on my way!
And when I grow up, I will be a teacher. I just have to climb all those mountains of education classes and interviews and student teaching and politics and all that other stuff. But the Praxis is over! Success.
I’m so proud of you, Lind!!
Woohoo!! It has been a landmark season in your amazing life!