As You Wish

Well, we’ve reached the last day of February. This has been very fun for me, and I hope some enjoyment has been found through these love sequences I’ve gathered from the realms of youtube. (Which, by the way, is obnoxiously starting to crack down on copyright laws. Of all things!)

I’ve saved this for the end, because I absolutely adore Buttercup and Westley and I think this is one of the most romantic moments of all film history. The first portion of the clip is just amazing of course, and then the second half shows perfect devoiton. (haha I know that sounds cheesy) Pretty much I just love The Princess Bride.

Joseph and Emma

I think the love story of Joseph and Emma is beautiful. Joseph is the father of our dispensation, the founder of our church, the translator of the Book of Mormon, and the most well-known and influential man in our church’s history (obviously). But he and Emma have a normal and wonderful story, and I think it exemplifies a relationship of true love and total devotion, first to the Lord, and then to each other. Both Emma and Joseph were amazingly strong, and totally and completely dedicated to the Lord.

Some words of wisdom

This is sure a complicated world for how simple it is… And complicated people for how simple we are.

Doubt is destructive. It is learned in this life as a defense. I use doubt alot. it helps us to be cautious and careful. But it is exhausting. We cannot doubt all the time, everything. Nothing would ever get done. in order to progress we have to trust.