I just got back from Girls Camp, where we had some very delicious food. (i.e. Chicken Croissant sandwiches, cafe rio burritos, beef stew, etc.) I had the excellent opportunity to be in charge of half (the better half) of the 12- and 13-year old girls, and I loved them all. One of the coolest girls was Steve, who happened to be a vegetarian. I asked her what inspired her to give up all substantial sustenance in exchange for tofu, and we had quite a lovely discussion. (I must congratulate myself on my increasing skills in friendly debates.)
I’ve always liked the idea of being vegetarian; it seems more environmentally decent, not to mention healthier. I even at one point pondered the prospect of veganism. (I say prospect because I would absolutely never ever be able to handle the vegan diet.) The Williamses (not Lucy) have even waded in and out of the waters of veganism, and we were once treated to a lovely meal at their house, consisting of tofu everything, about 15 kinds of spinach, green drink (shoot me now) and of course water with hydrogen drops or something added. I guess I’m a little vague on the details– it was a while ago. But the point is, when I got home, I felt great and decided I wanted to always eat like that. (yeah right.)
So the truth is, eating in this exteme, healthy way is not unlike waking up super early to go running. It’s definitely not great when you start, or even during. But it feels so good after! In as far and inasmuch as I love bacon, I suppose the only really good thing about it is the 15 seconds that it’s in my mouth. Oh yeah, and the smell of it cooking. So… Vegan? No way. Absolutely not possible. Vegetarian? Maybe.
In further argument, we should “only eat meat in the winter, in famine, and times of need”. But aren’t the animals here for our support? And I’m of the opinion that it’s more natural to obtain the necessary vitamins and nutrients through food, rather than through tablets. And according to The China Study, if Americans cut down 10% of the meat they ate, we could put a loaf of bread on every doorstep in third world countries. I admit that’s very intreguing, and that alone could motivate me to give up meat. But could just a small group of people make that difference? I’m afraid not. But that didn’t stop Joseph Smith or Florence Nightengale. But what about social problems? People could get offended if you didn’t eat what they had toiled long and hard to create. And Thanksgiving? I would never ever eat tofu chicken. This is quite the predicament.
I’ve never been one to diet. In fact, I don’t believe I’ve ever been on a diet. But although I like the ideas the vegetarian diet presents, I don’t think I could embrace it fully. Meat is there for us, and I think we should eat it– in moderation. As eloquently stated in In Defense Of Food, “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.” I feel that that is the Word of Wisdom in a nutshell, and that’s what I’m going to try to do.