Amazing Grace

These are just some of my Sunday thoughts…

Plus side note: If you look at this blog and marvel at its great length, you will more than likely give it up for a bad job. But if you make it to the end, a pleasant surprise awaits. Go ahead and read the whole thing–it’s not even that long– and you will not regret it. I promise

Grace is one of my very favorite doctrines. I feel like it’s not talked about very much in our church, and I’m not certain why. Perhaps because we aren’t as concerned with where people are going when they die. We know about spirit prison and paradise and the judgment and everything. Other churches stress things like you’re going to hell! Or being “saved”. We are more concerned about coming unto Christ and being perfected in Him. But our church aside, I think the whole world needs to take this doctrine to heart, and show that Amazing Grace to others, just as they hope Christ will show to them.

Grace is “an enabling power that allows men and women to lay hold on eternal life and exaltation after they have expended their own best efforts.” That last part is key. We must do all we can. I feel that that may be a common misconception with this doctrine. Many may justify their actions in the hopes of the “saving grace of the Lord.” Yes, it is saving grace. But we must do all we possibly can in order for the saving grace to work. “Grace cannot suffice without total effort on the part of the recipient.”

This has everything to do with my salvation. If I want to be “saved”, I must do my part. The Atonement is our saving grace, and if we accept Christ and His atonement, then we can be “saved.”

Have you ever heard a song that you’ve listened to and sung all your life, and then suddenly realized that you didn’t even know the words? I experienced that with this beautiful song the other day. I can really sing the words, but for some reason, I hadn’t ever taken the time to think about them. This is actually the case with many songs for me, hymns and others. I’m trying to pay better attention to the words of songs, because I know there is so much that I’m missing out on. This particular song is amazing, both in message and quality. This man truly has a spectacular voice.

Cool: noun, Spencer Ryan Hall

My Uncle Spencer is probably the coolest person I know. I shall try to explain.

I really don’t even know where to start. Most recently, he is both my computer tech support man, and my writing tutor. Pretty much, I think he knows everything there is to know about everything, and that’s not even an exaggeration. I can’t think of a time he hasn’t been able to answer a question or advise me or help me with anything. He makes me feel like I’m important and that he always has time for me. I’m sure there’s a billion other things he could be doing, but whenever I call, he always has everything right and helpful to say. I might respect his opinion more that anyone else in the world. (Plus my parents.)

He’s also a sports writer for ESPN, which is automatically cool. And he plays the ukelele. And he’s a super good soccer player. And he’s extremely artistic/ computer savvy, which means that he can totally do graphic design of all sorts. And he’s got style in all senses of the word.

Oh, and he used to be the Priest Advisor or something like that, and he did everything for those boys. You know how the young men go on like a campout every week or something? He was there. And he took the boys individually to lunch and made them feel important. He brought one of them over to our house a couple of times, and we also saw him at Grandma and Grandpa’s sometimes. I’m sure that kid will remember those times for the rest of his life. Spencer probably helped some kids in ways that no one will ever know. You never do know with 16 year old boys. But I know their young men leaders are a huge deal, and Spence was definitely the best they could ever have.

He also has really great stories to tell, like about his mission and the time he went to the Dominican Republic and other times. I admit he went to Provo High, but I forgive him. 🙂 Back not to long ago when I was stressed beyond reason about college apps and my essays and the ACT and stuff, he helped me study like crazy. Who takes time out to help their adextrodippocampul niece study for the ACT? My Uncle Spencer does! (He got a 34, by the way.)

I’m so grateful for his example. I say he’s the definition of cool because he is. If there was an ad for what cool means, he’d be there in his cool-looking clothes and his iphone and wise words and everything else, and people would see him and say, “He is so cool!” And then they’d start talking to him about sports and philosophy and the gospel and really anything else, and they’d leave, and later recall that meeting as an out-of-body experience because they were so interested and enlightened. Yep, that’s my uncle.

The Nap Song

If there’s a thing that I love best
It’s after church on the Day of Rest
It’s a Nap
It’s a Nap
It’s a Nap
If you don’t get much sleep at night,
This will start your week out right
It’s a Nap (12 times)

We started 8:00 church this semester, and as painfully early as it is, I love it. We’re done at 11:00 and then we have the rest of the day, primarily to take a nap, and secondarily to do anything else we want. I used to have 12:00 which is way too late. So Sunday naps are my new favorite thing.

And speaking of which, I would like to announce my goal of getting to bed by 11 every night this week. Wish me luck.

If life were easy, it wouldn’t be hard!

This is from my cousin Adam who is on a mission in the Czech Republic. He’s in Prague right now.

“I was talking with Elder Tomlinson the other day about what an interesting experience it is to do missionary work. We talk with hundreds of people every week and of course there is bound to be some hilarity therein. I see it like eating scorpions, of course it’s not something you typically think of doing, but the experience is unforgettable. It’s also one of those things where if your life was easy and you didn’t have anything difficult, awkward, or crazy happen to you, you wouldn’t have any fun stories to tell. That’s where the best stories come from anyway is from the adventures in uncertainty.”

I’m all about building character, and I talk about it all the time. Trials are what build character– without them, we would never be able to grow! That’s one thing I’ve learned here in Hawaii. I’m with people from all over the world who have been through all sorts of things to get here. Some are the only members in their family, many are here on scholarship from the church and are paying the money off by working here. In a devotional a while ago, the speaker told us that we should marry someone who’s done something hard. I think that is so important! What Adam says is right– if we don’t step out and take chances, life won’t be interesting.

So I say, if you never have the courage to lose sight of the shore, you won’t ever know the terror of being forever lost at sea.

(just kidding)

Quote of the Week:

By that I mean Quote of My Life.

“I believe that happiness is not a condition to be described in the past tense– the way you felt as a child, or how things were last summer or last week or even yesterday. Nor can happiness truly be spoken of in the future tense– the way you’ll feel when spring comes, or when you’re finally on vacation, or when your status changes for the better. Happiness is a present tense condition and can only fully exist if today is your best day so far. Just as surely as it is possible for you to be happy, so it is possible for each and every day to be your best day so far.”

By my hero, George Durrant. Who by the way left a message on my dad’s phone for me on the day of my surgery.

Another Favorite Scripture!

This is my good friend Eric’s missionary scripture, and now it’s one of my very favorites.

Now, have we not reason to rejoice? Yea, I say unto you, there never were men that had so great reason to rejoice as we, since the world began; yea, and my joy is carried away, even unto boasting of my God; for he has all power, all wisdom, and all understanding; he comprehendeth all things