

One of my favorite Christlike attributes to study is diligence. It’s something that I really value, and something that says a lot to me about a person’s character. I’m currently reading a fabulous book called Mindset, by Carol S. Dweck #spoileraltert #BookoftheMonth, and I wanted to share one awesome quote about diligence and hard work I recently came upon:

Bruce Jenner, 1976 Olympic gold medalist in the decathlon says, “If I wasn’t dyslexic, I probably wouldn’t have won the Games. If I had been a better reader, then that would have come easily, sports would have come easily… and I never would have realized the way you get ahead in life is hard work.”

HARD WORK is a key ingredient to success, and so many people these days just aren’t willing to pay the price. I’ll write more about this when I blog about Mindset, but people place a high value on natural talent, and little to no value on hard work. That ain’t right, son.

I know that hard work doesn’t always pay off immediately, but I know it pays dividends in the end. I’ll finish off with this quote:

One thought on “Dilligence”

  1. Legit. I didn’t realize this was one of your favorite attributes, but that makes sense.

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