Alexander’s Amazing Adventures

*a very special treat awaits the reader who makes it to the end of this post. Trust me.*

Alexander’s Amazing Adventures is a collection of stories about a young lad named Alexander, which teach a new value with each amazing adventure he goes on.

If this was a mom blog, I would write about how I used Alexander’s Amazing Adventures to teach my children about the value of honesty, and because of it, none of them have ever told a single lie. Then we kept listening, and now they’re perfect angels because of the way the stories changed our lives and taught each value so thoroughly. I feel like a very successful mother, and all the credit goes to the brilliant creators. Buy these tapes to have perfect children just like me!

Um, yeah. Can’t make that claim quite yet.

But let’s pretend like I am a mom, because I fully plan on using these fantastic tapes with my future children (who are the only thing I ever plan for). I’ll spare the synopsis and raving reviews, so you’ll just have to take my word for it, but I honestly (haha) think these stories (including the 11 I have yet to hear) would be an excellent teaching tool for children. (I am desperate to hear the others!!!) Those values include Honesty, Loyalty and Dependability, Respect, Love, Unselfishness and Sensitivity, Kindness and Friendliness, Courage, Peaceability, Self-reliance and Potential, Self-discipline and Moderation, Fidelity and Chastity, and Justice and Mercy.

These are some of the most amazing parts of the adventures:
1. Very clever storyline
2. Incredible voices (speaking voices)
3. Great message, obviously (made by LDS folks, no less)
4. Very good songs
5. Enjoyable!
6. Teach your children important life lessons and values, in a way that the whole family can enjoy and be highly inspired!

In case you aren’t sold yet, here’s my last word: Alexander’s quest begins with the value Honesty, the foundation for all other values. Through music, drama, and sound effects, young Alex time travels from his schoolroom to the ancient country of Inlandia where he is the lost prince. There, guided by “The Lightkeeper” and his tortoise companion, Theo, he learns that honesty can save the day. Back in his classroom he finds that honesty works just as well in the real world. To listen to the remaining 11 adventures, sign in and register for the Alexander’s Amazing Adventures program.

And as a special treat, I have included links to the Honesty tape!!!
Alexander side 1
Alexander side 2

5 thoughts on “Alexander’s Amazing Adventures”

  1. Ha if only you were a mom! I must listen to these hyst things. But I have to admit that a children’s chastity tape strikes fear in my heart.

  2. I know! I was thinking about how in the world that would happen. I have a feeling Alex and Ellie will get married and be king and queen, but I don’t see them growing up and dealing with that very fast.

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